Top 6 Best Woods for Making Shelves

Top 6 Best Woods for Making Shelves

A well-designed shelf can transform any unused space into a place enriched with style.

Beautifully designed shelves not only add function to your room, but also allows you to display your personality, and provides ample space to store your valuables in their designated locations, from heavy industrial items to books.

Shelf Materials: Why Choose Wood?

There are numerous types of materials used in making shelves, including metal, plastic, and wood.

All these materials are equally important and have their own share of advantages and disadvantages.

However, wooden shelves are considered the classic type of shelving because they are not only durable, but classy and sturdy as well.

Wooden shelves are highly versatile and can be used in a number of applications.

Top 6 Best Woods for Making Shelves

There are various types of woods out there on the market, but not all can be used in making shelves.

As a rule of thumb, you should not use softwoods such as pine to make your custom shelves.

They are known to sag under a lot of weight, don’t guarantee long-term rigidity, scratch and dent easily, are also need extra support to last fairly long.

So, what are the best woods to make shelves?

1. Walnut

Walnut is a fantastic hardwood that boasts all the features you would want from a great wood for shelves.

Though relatively expensive, walnut is a classic wood option worth your investment.

Walnut is a naturally beautiful wood that needs no treatments to look gorgeous.

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It will naturally boost your home décor.

It is a straight-grained hardwood that ranges from chocolate brown to yellow.

It is a highly durable and robust wood that is usually used for antique-style dining tables, head-boards, and mantels, among other things.

Top 6 Best Woods for Making Shelves

If you are looking to make shelves for your valuable bulky items, walnut should be your ultimate choice.

Walnut will not only handle a serious amount of weight but also take quite the beating.

2. Oak

This is another popular wood used for shelving. Oak is not only sturdy and durable, but is equally easy to work with.

This implies that even aspiring DIY fanatics can easily craft their own shelves without experiencing any difficulty.

Because of its wavy grain, oak boasts a highly distinctive appearance that will surely enhance your indoor décor.

It is very easy to work with and is usually cut in a manner that boosts its resistance to warping.

3. Cherry

Cherry is not only strong, but boasts a lightweight design and is easy to cut and handle as well.

Top 6 Best Woods for Making Shelves

What’s more, this incredible hardwood has a rich, warm reddish color that becomes richer and darker over time.

If you are looking to create a beautiful shelf for display, cherry wood should be your option.

4. Mahogany

If you are looking for the best wood to make strong, highly durable shelves that can house your bulky items, you should look no further than mahogany wood.

This is an extremely versatile wood that features a straight, fine, and even grain, and is usually free from pockets and voids.

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In terms of appearance, mahogany is reddish-brown and will darken with time. And when polished, it will display a reddish sheen.

Mahogany boasts excellent workability and is one type of wood that oozes class and elegance.

Thanks to its impeccable strength and sturdiness, mahogany is ideal for making shelves in offices, libraries, and other high-profile settings.

However, it is imperative to note that mahogany is quite tough to handle and hence not recommended for inexperienced woodworkers.

5. Pine

If you are just beginning to master how to design wooden shelves, and you are only looking to shelve a few lightweight items, then pine wood perhaps represents the best opportunity to learn the trade.

Pine is not only one of the most readily available and affordable in the market, but also somewhat easier to stain, paint, and handle for any DIY project.

Pine is a softwood that is white or pale yellow which is very lightweight and straight-grained.

Top 6 Best Woods for Making Shelves

It effectively resists swelling and shrinking and is usually used for decorative effect thanks to its natural beauty.

However, if you intend to store bulky items in your newly-designed wooden shelf, then it is perhaps best to look for an alternative.

If you didn’t know, pinewood is known to bend or dent quite easily.

6. Maple

Maplewood does not only boast a gorgeous design, but is also durable enough to host your valuable items for an extended period.

It is a creamy, white hardwood that also features a reddish tinge.

It is also relatively affordable, can withstand physical abuse, and can preserve its beautiful appearance for years.

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